Friday, April 24, 2009

New Blogger

Hello blog family! I just wanted to inform you that we have a new addition to the family. Thats right, my wife, Jennifer McGhee, the first lady of Greater St. John Missionary Baptist Church is now one of us. Please feel free to give her a word of encouragement as she hones her own gift of expression. The title of her blog is “Oh My Joy" ( Enjoy!!


Jennifer McGhee said...

Thank you sweetie.

Ronald said...

Will do Pastor.



Great addition.

Anonymous said...

Pastor, this will be fantastic! Now I will have something to read during your down times. I believe Sister First Lady’s Blog may occasionally have your influence. But, it will be both a pleasure and honor to have our First Lady share her thoughts, joys and faith. I am feeling so Blessed for this new Blogger. As always we follow our Spiritual Father’s recommendations and will really enjoy our First Lady’s thoughts.

Brother Armstrong

Anonymous said...

Sister Jennifer,
You are called, appointed and anointed to be a "woman behind the power. God made you so that He could dwell in you in the fullness of His glory. God bless you.

Yours in Christ,