Thursday, September 25, 2008

Our Daughter's Wedding

Our daughter, Courtney, married her sweetheart of 5 years, Jose Rodriguez on Saturday, August 30, 2008 at 5pm. Jennifer and I can't get over how much our little girl has grown. This wedding ceremony was unlike any I performed in the past. It's always awkward when the bride is your daughter. Needless to say, we are ecstatic for the both of them and wish them many years of marital bliss.

Pictured left to right: Jose, Jennifer, Andre, and our daughter, Courtney

I'm so glad I finally got around to posting these photos. My wife would be so proud. Please pray for our daughter and new son as they share their lives together in meaningful matrimony. Special thanks to one of GSJ's finest, Bro. Howard Buchanon for serving as our photographer during this special evening. Blessings!!


Pastor Lance A. Mann said...

Daughter???? What Daughter??? Dr. McGhee, I had no idea that you had a daughter old enough to get married. Please give her and your new son my congratulations.



Praying always for you and yours...

Brother; Howard a super dude!

Brother: Wilson

Vietta P's two cents worth said...

Well, I am blown away also. Although we have just become acquainted with one another (via blog) and I am still learning about you, It doesn't seem as though you should have a daughter getting married.

They look very happy and I pray they will bask in God's tender mercies and have many blessed years together. Thanks for sharing the photos.

God Bless

Anonymous said...

Pastor McGhee I know you and your wife prayed for this moment for your precious daughter.God's choicest blessings be upon them.

Great family picture.

Tony R.

Rev. Barney said...

I pray that you and Jennifer have many, many grand children to spoil.

Pastor Kevin Lanier Pullam said...

Congratulations!!! Man, you don't look a day over 30 yourself. (legs

Really though... I would never have guessed that you would be in the proccess of "giving away" a daughter. However we rejoice with you all the more. The Lord has obviously been gracious and loving to you and yours and we thank Him for this.

God bless you and thank you for your obvious dedication to "train up a child in the way that they should go..."


Anonymous said...

Pastor McGhee you and Jennifer should be very proud. They make a beautiful couple and I know having you marry them meant a lot. You are the only Pastor I have ever seen that can perform a wedding ceremony from memory. You are awesome in so many ways.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful blessed occassion to celebrate. May God coninue to bless you and your family in the coming years.

Your friend
