After several months of hard work and faithful planning, our church website has been launched.
We praise God for allowing this dream to come into fruition, and anticipate the opportunity to bless both saint and sinner alike. Your prayers are encouraged as this avenue of ministry is a work in progress, and is yet to evolve into something great to the praise of His glory.
Please feel free to pay us a visit. There is a link for your convenience (picture) located in the right hand column of this blog. Take a peek, tell me what you think. Blessings!!
Great job my friend. You are a great pastor and I am looking forward to seeing the magnitude of your ministry expand even greater than it is now.
Thank you Pastor McGhee for the invitation to visit your church website. VERY NICE! It was extremely informative to every question I had while visiting. Looks as though some wonderful things are happening there. It is certainly meeting the needs of the flock and the community.
One of your Associate Ministers, Rev. Eugene Johnson, looks very familiar. Does he have family in the South Texas area?
I look forward to visiting again in the future.
Be Blessed
Pastor McGhee, great site. You all are to be commended for such a well put togehter and functional page.
Praying for your ministry.
Tony R.
McGhee...I am glad to hear of the site; I will visit now and will also add it to my links. Thanks my friend!
I love the site!! Keep up the good work!
Pastor McGhee,
You're doing a great work at your church. The website is wonderful. My prayer is God will continue to lead and order your steps.
Be Blessed!
Evangelist Marie
Your Church website is great! I have recently been looking into a website for the church where I serve as youth pastor. Do you have any suggestions? Bless you brother!
To God be the glory for the great things He has done. I commend you for a job well done. This too is a prayer request and concern of mine. I am encouraged to continue to strive to secure a website for our ministry. I love the site and look forward to visiting often.
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